Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

BBM app for iPhone

How much would you pay for a bbm app for iPhone application that allows you to use BBM on your iPhone? There are rumors circulating recently that the BBM app for iphone could come to iPhones soon, and the agreement would be a monthly or annual fee for iPhone users.

bbm app for iPhone 

The question remains whether it will be a lighter version of the original BBM, or they will be in full service that millions of BlackBerry users already enjoy. Speculation has heated recently, because many people are assuming that the research and development invest here will force them to do something great with BBM soon. 

There is no doubt about it, they leave millions of dollars on the table by not allowing iPhone users and Android access full-service of BBM. I suppose that soon you will see some sort of solution, which is strongly favored in Research In Motion corner. After all, they took so long to run anything, but they must surprise us for what a kind of master plan they prepared now.

So what if the bbm app for iphone did come? How much would you pay for it? Certain of the gauge initial price would be $ 5 - $ 10 range a year. It seems a bit expensive, but nothing about the millions and millions of users who would pay such a price, it does not add up to a little more income to Research In Motion.

Critics of the BBM for iPhone that it's not as easy as it sounds. They say that because the servers used for the GIS service for BBM, it is unlikely that full service will be available on the iPhone. It's the same servers that allow the BlackBerry to have such a great e-mail service on mobile. IPhones on the other hand, are executed on different servers, and therefore may not be compatible with all small and the need to BBM is perfect as it is, and to function properly. Maybe it's a reason RIM is launching an iPhone version of the product yet.

People will be constantly talking about BBM for iPhone until some kind of solution is included. So many different applications tried to hack the service BBM on the iPhone, but in vain. Most attempts have been filled with bugs and use large amounts of resources just are not worth an installation.

source: bbmforiphone.net

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