Learning in a fast paced society is very much possible today. I myself take advantage of the internet. I can learn new things just by using Google. In relation to internet iPhone apps for education is a great help for us student, teacher or even professional. Learning is much fun and easy now.
There are many education apps from the App Store. In this page I will share most requested apps for learning.
FlashGram - palawareFlashGram is a fun way to quiz young children (even older ones) on their language arts skills. FlashGram contains over 100 grammar questions covering nouns, verbs, pronouns and adjectives. FlashGram is made up of short questions with touchable answers (no text input required). FlashGram is colorful and animated and will hold the interest of a young child.
Everyday Mathematics® Addition Top It - McGraw-Hill School Education GroupMcGraw-Hill’s Addition Top-It game offers a quick and easy way to practice and reinforce basic addition facts (0–10) and number comparisons. This one- or two-player game runs on the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch.
Players take turns drawing two cards, finding their sums, and then comparing the sums. Players score points for correctly finding their sum, identifying the greater sum, and for having the greater sum. The player with the most points at the end of 8 rounds wins! Visual and audio reinforcement of correct and incorrect answers help players master addition facts and comparison skills.
Science Books - SunScrollAll Books in Collection are complete and available offline.
Books Included:
A Catechism Of Familiar Things
A Critique Of The Theory Of Evolution
A Dissertation On Horses
A History Of Science Vol 1-4
Biological Sciences In Secondary Schools
Aesthetic As Science
Aether & Gravitation
Forensic Medicine Part I-II
Lecture On The Study Of Biology
Amusements In Mathematics
Medicinal Fluid Called Aether
Foxglove And Some Of Its Medical Uses
Synthetic Projective Geometry
An Elementary Study Of Chemistry
An Elementary Study Of Insects
An Introduction To Chemical Science
and many more....Must have education apps.
Geo Walk - 3D World Fact Book - Vito Technology Inc.Looking for a new educational app? Or planning on spending time with your kids to explore how amazing our world is? Probably yes, if you are reading this now! So, let us introduce to you our renovated educational app Geo Walk - 3D World Fact Book. Open the app and start discovering the wonderful world around you.
We are all used to the idea that encyclopedias are pretty boring and usually too overloaded with information, that's why we decided to squeeze the most essential and exciting info about our planet into a brief, informative and illustrative 3D Fact Book to explore the world in a playful way.
Let’s say you want to find out what there is to know about Africa. Spin the globe until you find it and you will see African sights only. If you are interested in architectural wonders of the world - category filter will help! Try the Quiz afterwards to feel that you are getting smarter by the minute! My favorite educational apps.
Learn to Talk - iLearn2TalkLearn to Talk is an innovative audio flash card application that facilitates language development in one to three year-old children. It uses both sight and sounds to teach toddlers basic vocabulary and early language skills.
Over 160 highly interactive, colorful flash cards engage and motivate toddlers to learn by themselves. For each lesson, your little one simply needs to swipe with her/his fingers to the left for the next card to appear or swipe to the right to go back one. As she/he flips through the cards, your child listens to, repeats and learn the words and phrases.
At home, in the car, on an airplane or in a grocery store, these unique flash cards keep your kids engaged, entertained and bring hours of enjoyment and educational benefits. And you will never have to sort a deck of flash cards again!
Rory's Story Cubes - The Creativity Hub Ltd.9 cubes, 54 images, Over 10 million combinations, Unlimited stories!
Simply shake your iPhone to roll the cubes. Now create a story using all 9 face-up images.
• Play with family and friends as a party game or ice-breaker.
• Play solitaire as a ‘creative Sudoku’ to stretch your imagination.
• Use for second language development.
• Use with children to help with literacy skills.
• Tell stories to encourage speaking and listening.
• Use as the starting point for creative writing, art, music, drama
• Use to overcome writer’s block
• Use as a creative problem solving tool
• Tell stories to build confidence in your creative ability
KnittingHelp Video Reference - Outer Limits MediaThe ever popular KnittingHelp.com knitting videos are now available for the iPhone/iPod touch. All 150+ videos from the website have been organized and added to this knitting video reference app. The videos are stored within the app and not streamed, so there is no need for an Internet connection to watch them. This means you can access the videos instantly from anywhere. On an airplane? Not a problem. You will have at your fingertips access to numerous cast-on methods, bind-offs, increases and decreases, stitch patterns and a whole lot more. If you want to know if a particular subject is covered, I'd recommend going to http://www.knittinghelp.com. The free videos on the website are the same as found in the app.
RFB&D Audio - Learning AllyRecording for the Blind & Dyslexic is now Learning Ally. As Learning Ally, we are
expanding our role as a “friend to those who learn differently.”
Get the RFB&D Audio app for your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad today! Gain instant
access to Learning Ally’s (formerly RFB&D) downloadable DAISY formatted books.
Learning Ally members can explore our extensive library of more than 64,000 audiobooks
that are designed for people with print and learning disabilities.
Learning Ally offers FREE Individual Membership for eligible people with visual impairments
or dyslexia who experience difficulty in reading print material. To use RFB&D Audio,
membership is required. To learn more and see if you are eligible for
membership, please copy and paste www.LearningAlly.org/membership into your browser.
Learning Ally is a non-profit organization, and the nation’s
leading provider of accessible educational content. Learning Ally works with key textbook
publishers to provide audio textbooks for K-12 and college level curricula.
Starfall ABCs - Starfall EducationThe "ABCs" section of Starfall.com's well-loved website, is now available as an application for iPods, iPhones and iPads! Our activities motivate through positive reinforcement and play. Children delight as they see, hear, and interact with letters and sounds in words, sentences, and games. They learn to recognize letters and develop phonics skills that will ensure they become confident readers. All children, and especially English language learners, benefit I use this my kids great applications for education.
Coloring Book Color Mix - Paint, Draw, Coloring - Eightfold EducationMake your own colors! Children love learning that Red and Blue can be mixed to make Purple. Add some Black and it’s a Dark Purple!
Other apps only let your children choose a crayon color. Color mixing allows them to explore their creativity by learning to mix colors and then paint “masterpieces” with them.
Using 5 basic paint colors on the palette, a child can mix them to make any color they imagine, then use the saved colors to paint!
The kid friendly interface was designed by parents with a lot of input and testing from preschoolers. So it’s easy to use.
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